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Sujozov av Vargevass

Date of birth: 03.12.2002

Breeder: Karsten Grønås 




Femundløpet 550 km 12th place

Polardistans - 1th place


Finnmarksløpet 1000 km - 13th place


Femundløpet - 10th place

Polardistans - 1th place


Polardistans - 5th place (Leader)



Sujoz is a calm and quiet dog. He is a retired leader from Vargevass Kennel, and came to us in 2009. He has been a really good dog that takes his job serious and hard in harness. Sujoz is wonderfully built and has great movements as his success at the 2005 Swedish Speciality show. He became Best Sled Dog and Best of Breed over 148 entered dogs.

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